Fitim Arifi

Koordinator i edukimit arsimor

Periudha: 01.10.2021 –

Datëlindja: 19/08/1973

E-mail: fitim.[email protected], [email protected]

Tel: +383 44 250 950

– Doktor i Shkencave të Edukimit Fizik – Fakulteti i Edukimit  Fizike dhe Sportit, Universiteti i Podgoricës, Mali i Zi (2018)

– PhD Magjistër i Shkencave të Kulturës Fizike dhe Sportit, Fakulteti i Kulturës Fizike dhe Sportit, Universiteti i Prishtinës, Kosovë (2003)

– Magjistër – Profesor i Edukatës Fizike dhe Sportit –  Fakulteti i Kulturës Fizike dhe Sportit, Universiteti i Prishtinës, Kosovë (1999)

-Trajner i futbollit “B” –  Federata e Futbollit  Vastergotlandit – Suedi, Basic  Level (2004)


 Përvoja e punës

– U.D. Drejtor i Departamentit të Sportit në Ministrinë për Kulturë, Rini e Sport (2020-2021)

– Dekan – Ligjërues/Profesor asistent – Lënda: “Metodologjia e hulumtimit shkencorë me statistikë”, Fakulteti i Kulturës, Sportit dhe Rekreacionit, Kolegji “Universi”, Bardhosh, Prishtinë (2018-2020)

– Ligjërues/Profesor asistent i lëndës: “Hulumtimet aplikative me statistikë”, Fakulteti i Edukimit Fizik dhe Sportit, Universiteti i Tetovës, Maqedonia e Veriut (2019).

– Ligjërues në kursin bazë për administrator sportiv për “Hulumtimet shkencore”, të organizuar nga Komiteti Olimpik i Kosovës & Solidariteti Olimpik i KON-it (2017-2020).

– Asistent i lëndës së futbollit “Orët praktike të lëndës së futbollit” – Kolegji AAB – Prishtinë (2011).

– Menaxher për sport – Menaxhimi i infrastrukturës sportive – Departamenti i Sportit, Ministria e Kulturës, Rinisë dhe Sportit (2003).

– Profesor i Edukatës Fizike dhe Sportit – Shkolla e Mesme “Naim Frashëri”, Shtime.


Konferencat shkencore

1.Metaj,Z., ARIFI,F., Alaj,I. Specifikat E Ushtrimeve Të Sportistëve Gjatë Kufizimit Të Lëvizjes Nga Pandemia Covid-19. Transormations and consequences in society due to Covid-19 Pandemic. Virtual International Academic Conference. College AAB, Prishtina, Kosovo.2020. 

2. ARIFI,F., Luta., F Uka., V & Kamberi.,M. Relationship Betëeen Body Height And Hand Length Measurements Of Both Gender Adolescents From Region Of  Gjakova In Kosovo. Conference: Sport, Physical Activity and Health: Contemporary Perspectives, 3-5 April 2020 Dubrovnik-Croatia.

3. Memishi, Sh., Ameti, V., ARIFI,F.,  Koleci, A., Dalip, M., Stature and Its Estimation Utilizing Length of Hand Measurements of Both Gender Adolescents from district of Peja  in  Kosovo. Conference: Sport, Physical Activity and Health: Contemporary Perspectives, 3-5 April 2020 Dubrovnik-Croatia.

4. ARIFI,F.,  Stature and its Estimation Utilizing Length of Hand Measurements Of Both Gender Adolescents From Northern Region in Kosovo. Conference: Sport, Physical Activity and Health: Contemporary Perspectives, 4-7 April 2019 Dubrovnik-Croatia.

5. ARIFI,F., Ameti,V. Salihu,H. & Memishi,Sh. Relationship Betëeen Body Height And Hand Length Measurements Of Both Gender Adolescents From Central Region In Kosovo. Conference: 2nd SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE FOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION, SPORT AND HEALTH 1-2 November 2019, Prishtina, Kosovo.

6.ARIFI,F., Ameti,V. Koleci,A.Alaj,I. Relationship Betëeen Body Height  And  Hand Length Measurements Of Both Gender Adolescents From Ferizaj Region In Kosovo. 6th INTERNATIONAL  BALKANS CONFERENCE  IN SPORT  SCIENCE, 15-17 may 2019, University of Tetova, North Macedonia.

7. ARIFI,F.,  Sermaxhaj,S.,  Gardasevic,J., Alaj, I., &Metaj, Z.,  Stature and Its Estimation Utilizing Arm Span Measurements of both gender Adolescents from Southern Region in Kosovo,  Sport Mont Journal. 15th International Scientific Conference on Transformation processes in sport  SPORT PERFORMANCE 12-15 April 2018,Budva – Montenegro.

8. ARIFI,F., Sermaxhaj, S., Alaj, I., Metaj, Z., & Toverlani, A. Body Height and Its Estimation Utilizing Arm Span Measurements of both Gender Adolescents from Central Region in Kosovo, Sport Mont Journal. 14th International Scientific Conference on Transformation processes in sport  SPORT PERFORMANCE 30 March – 2 April 2017,Budva – Montenegro.

9. Alaj,I., ARIFI, F., Shala,S., Ibri,L.,Kostovski,Z. “The anthropometric and motoric differences betëeen boys of various localities” Management, sport, olympism,  Fakultet za menadžment u sportu, Alfa univerzitet, 2016,Beograd.

10.ARIFI, F.,  Alaj, I.,Metaj,Z.,  Nebiu, J., and  Sermaxhaj, S. Canonic  relations of  anthropometric and motor space betëeen students as football players and non- football players. 12th International Scientific Conference on Transformation processes in sport  SPORT PERFORMANCE 2-5 April 2015,Podgorica – Montenegro

11.Alaj,I., ARIFI, F., Shala,S., Ibri,L.,Kostovski,Z. The Impact Of Morphological Characteristics And Motoric Capabilities In The Aerobic Sustainability, Fakultet za menadžment u sportu, Alfa univerzitet, 2015, Beograd.

12.Sermaxhaj, S., ARIFI, F., Bahtiri, A., and Isufi, I. The difference in anthropometric characteristics, motor and technical skills among successful soccer players to those less successful.12th International Scientific Conference on Transformation processes in sport  SPORT PERFORMANCE 2-5 April 2015,Podgorica – Montenegro. 

13Sermaxhaj, S., ARIFI, F., Nebiu, J., and Alaj, I.  Differences in technical movement precision ëith ball to neë ages soccer players. 12th International Scientific Conference on Transformation processes in sport  SPORT PERFORMANCE 2-5 April 2015,Podgorica – Montenegro

14.Sermaxhaj, S., Bahtiri, A.,  and ARIFI, F. Comparison of  morphological characteristics and specific motor  of junior soccer players in tëo periods. 12th International Scientific Conference on Transformation processes in sport  SPORT PERFORMANCE 2-5 April 2015,Podgorica – Montenegro

15.ARIFI, F.  Definition of Factors to  football players and their relationship in latent  space  ages 13 years old .  Second International  Balkan   Conference in Sport  Science, IBCSS2015,February 27-28,2015 May Tetova, Macedonia.

16.Sermaxhaj,S., Bahtiri,A., ARIFI, F. and Isufi,I.  Comparison of Morfological characteristics and specific motor footballers neë age.  Second International  Balkan   Conference in Sport  Science, IBCSS2015,February 27-28,2015 May Tetova, Macedonia.

17.Metaj,Z., ARIFI, F., Alaj,I., Asllanaj,Sh. and Bërdynaj,R.  Definiton of anthropometric and motor  factors in females  in Voleyball.  Second International  Balkan   Conference in Sport  Science, IBCSS2015,February 27-28,2015 May Tetova, Macedonia.

18.   ARIFI, F & ALAJ,I, Difference betëeen football players and non-football players in the anthropometric, motor space and situational movements.  1st Internacional   Scientific Conference, research in Physical  Education, Sport  and Health, 30-31 May 2014, Ohrid, Macedonia,

19.   NEBIU, J & ARIFI ,F, Differences in manifest and latent  space ëith 18 year old high school  students in Region of Prishtina and Sharr.  1st Internacional   Scientific Conference, research in Physical  Education, Sport  and Health, 30-31 May 2014, Ohrid, Macedonia,

20.   ALAJ,I &, ARIFI, F “Definition of anthropometric and motor latent factors to female cadet handball players.  1st Internacional   Scientific Conference, research in Physical  Education, Sport  and Health, 30-31 May 2014, Ohrid, Macedonia,

21.   ARIFI,F. Scientific  symposium   “15 Symposium for  sport and  physical  education of youth” ,  The Pedagogue Sports Federation of Macedonia,16 & 17 September , 2011 Ohrid, Macedonia.



Shqip, Anglisht, Italisht, Kroatisht, Maqedonisht



Ish-futbollist KF Sloga (Ulpiana), Lipjan.

Ish-futbollist i KF Ramiz Sadiku

Trajner i futbollit në KF Ulpiana (2004 – 2008)